Hadoop in Transition: From Proof of Concept to Production
In this webinar we will summarize what was learned, as well as provide insights about skills development, open source vs. commercially-provided distributions, ease of use, integration, application development, and testing, challenges in implementation, and the perception of value of embracing the Hadoop paradigm.
Our recent primary research project solicited feedback from users of the Hadoop ecosystem about their experiences in transitioning their use of the various big data management and analytics components from proof of concepts and experiments into production within the enterprise environment. We reached out to data management and application development professionals and asked them a broad variety of questions about their corporate experience in evaluating, testing, and adopting Hadoop-based technologies. The research project sought to understand answers to questions such as:
- What are the anticipated usage scenarios for Hadoop in the enterprise?
- What components of the Hadoop ecosystem have been piloted within the organization?
- What components have been fully integrated within business applications?
- How long have the applications been in production?
- What resources were required to move the application into production?
- What were some of the challenges in design, development, and implementation?
- How do the new applications perform according to a number of defined criteria such as speed, effort, complexity, or cost