The Hype is Deafening
Architects and executives alike are not safe anywhere! The Internet of Things will weep your enterprise away in a tsunami of massive data volumes, crippling variety, and with greater velocity than ever seen before! You must buy Hadoop now!
Okay, step back. This is NOT another article professing a need to adopt the newest Apache project or buy more nodes of Hadoop. While we at Zoomdata love new Apache projects and think more Hadoop nodes are better, we realize that repeating the all too common big data spiel is a waste of your time.
Instead, let’s re-introduce you to a concept as equally important to “big data” as Hadoop. Say hello to the “data application,” or “data app” for short.
What’s a Data App?
Data apps: Developers have been building them since the advent of the database. Here’s a working explanation: a UI, whether on a browser, desktop, or maybe even a VT200, connects to a backend database through some pre-defined application to perform a set of prescribed actions so an end-user can analyze and act on that data. Pretty innovative stuff, right!? Yeah, not so much. This describes practically every computer application. However, do me a favor and go back and reread that data app explanation. Those important concepts coupled with some examination of current practices illuminate how the data app can play a vital role in your enterprise’s overall data consumption strategy.