Back when I started in BI, we used reporting tools to provide users with an interface into very static views of data. Over the years, we’ve seen users continuously want more information displayed in a single report. But that became very time consuming. While the report may have illustrated a point, the time to create it became less and less tenable.
Enter big data: we no longer had the time to synthesize a large swath of data and create a report/infographic that summarized all that detail. Also, with the detail summarized, we sometimes lost the point of the report itself. We needed a better way to advance through analytics that resulted in a number of custom application efforts to provide interactive experiences through the data. The challenge was that these experiences required substantial IT development time to produce even in small use cases. We had to cover concerns with enterprise security, rapidly evolving data types and processing frameworks, and an ever growing demand for analytics - all impediments for a data driven organization..