How to Make Use of Zoomdata Activity Logs
When working with security conscious customers, the Zoomdata Customer Success team is often confronted with the question of how to best audit user activity...
Create custom chart templates to suit your data analytics needs with Zoomdata's Custom Chart CLI. You can make use of popular charting libraries like D3Â and HighchartsÂ
, while connecting to your own data sources — all within your own IDE or code editor of choice.
Zoomdata’s JS client lets you embed and control any of the existing charts in Zoomdata. Additionally, you'll get access to methods that will let you retrieve data, with full control of your queries.
Zoomdata provides a REST API with methods for creating, retrieving, updating, and deleting Zoomdata metadata objects.
When working with security conscious customers, the Zoomdata Customer Success team is often confronted with the question of how to best audit user activity...
In Zoomdata version 2.6.3, Zoomdata introduced a new way to create custom charts: the Custom Chart Command Line Interface (CLI)...
We are going to create a custom radar chart using CLI tool and Chart.js library...